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Why do we need Measure AA?

 In our community, high-quality teachers play a pivotal role in delivering a quality education to

our students. However, the soaring cost of living in our area has made it increasingly challenging for teachers to make ends meet. Without an additional source of local funding, it

will be difficult for MVWSD to provide competitive wages, reduce turnover rates, and keep quality teachers and staff in local schools, teaching local students.


Does Measure AA renew an expiring source of local funding?

Yes, MVWSD has long depended on voter-approved parcel tax funding to help attract and retain quality teachers, provide rigorous academic support for all students, and sustain high levels of student achievement for over a decade. This funding, last renewed in 2017, is set to expire next year unless we vote Yes on AA. Without a Measure AA, our schools face nearly $3 million in annual cuts to essential academic programs and teacher salaries.


How will Measure AA funds be spent?

  •  Attract and retain highly qualified teachers with competitive compensation allowing them to remain in this high-cost-of-living area
  • Guarantee academic support at every elementary school, especially for those students struggling with basics like reading, writing, and math
  • Maintain the high quality of education in local schools


Does Measure AA include any structural changes?
Yes, while the programs and teachers funded by the parcel tax will mostly remain unchanged, Measure AA seeks to make the tax burden more equitable for our community and will even results in lower taxes for some voters. Recent changes in state law allow Measure AA to be based the square footage of buildings on each parcel. As a result, single-family homeowners would pay substantially lower rates than owners of larger properties. In some cases, this could even reduce the current $191 fee that all parcels are required to pay.


How much will Measure AA cost me?

Measure AA has a rate of 15 cents per building square foot with a cap of $1,750, meaning no parcel could pay more than $1,750 per year. Any property with 11,667 building square feet or more would hit the cap. Parcels without any buildings on them would pay just $25.

For the average Mountain View home — which is 1,734 square feet — the new measure translates to approximately $261 per year, a $70 increase. Any home or building smaller than 1,270 square feet would see a decrease in their property taxes.

Finally, this measure only applies to the square footage of buildings on a property, not the square footage of the entire property. 


How can I be sure Measure AA funds will be spent as promised?

 Measure AA is required by law to have strict protections, which include: 

  • All proceeds would be controlled locally and could not be taken away by the State
  • None of the money raised could be used for administrators’ salaries or pensions
  • Independent citizens’ oversight and mandatory annual audits would help ensure funds are spent as voters intended
  • Senior citizen homeowners would continue to be eligible for an exemption from the cost


I don’t have children attending local public schools. Why should I vote for Measure AA?

Great schools with great teachers help improve the quality of life for everyone in our community and maintain property values. Even if you do not have children attending local public schools, Measure AA will both add value to our neighborhoods and keep our community a special place to live. 


How does the recent transitional kindergarten state mandate affect the District’s budget? 

New state mandates have required that the District provide transitional kindergarten to all four-year-olds by 2025. This requires MVWSD schools to add a grade level without providing them with additional funding for the classrooms or teachers to accommodate it. Funding from Measure AA will help ensure the District is prepared for the increase in enrollment and has clean, safe classrooms for all four-year-olds in our community.


Who is eligible to vote on Measure AA?

All registered voters residing within the boundaries of the Mountain View Whisman School District will be able to vote on the measure on November 5th, 2024. For more information on voter registration, please visit


Support Mountain View Schools
Paid for by Support Mountain View Schools, Yes on AA. FPPC #1394680

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